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Sebastian Hamilton, 21, started SenSeb Productions Ltd. in 2009, having built his first website in 1999.

He is passionate about the past, particularly Britain's heritage, but also about the future - regularly observing the way in which technology is developing. He believes that technology will play an enormous role in the next century and beyond, but also that human nature will still ensure that our local communities and traditions continue to live on.

This philosophy leads to a huge interest in any project that sees the past and future clashing, such as when ancient institutions and buildings attempt to modernise. Change must happen, but it should be approached in a sensitive way with a view to the long-term. All too often people and businesses invest in short-term technological progress, rather than looking at the true long-term picture.

Sebastian is the only full-time employee of the company, but has contacts across many different sectors and is willing and ready to build whatever team is necessary to carry out a project.

Sebastian Hamilton
Orange Bar
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